Friday, November 16, 2012

dream :)

i had a dream last night , whoaa . about me giving a birth to a baby . lol . haha . as cute as this one . its hard to describe my dream cause its way too long and i got no privacy to wrote it now so maybe next time ? haha .

okay now i got some privacy .
lets begin .

i was giving birth but its not hard , weird isn't ?
and then my baby arent moving . the people there thought my baby wont survive .
its a baby boy . i went near him and i kissed him , he moved .
i was so glad that my tears went out and i hug him even more tighter .
but wait , who's the father ? i knew it in the dream but when i woke up i forgot . aha .
then i raise up my child on my own .
i love him soo much that i can't let him go out of my sight even for a second .
my baby boy name is EAN and he got blue eyes . wow .
haha . i hope my future child would be like him .
and i carry him everywhere i go , spent lots of my time with him and then ...
i woke up , my mom knocked on my door .
whooaaa its a pleasant dream but i didn't want to raise a child on my own , i need a husband . haha .

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